Highest health tank wow legion
Highest health tank wow legion

People are already beginning to tech to fight him! Blinkfox with Tenth Tail, Gruul for Fire Resistance, Kurtrus for Demon Haterade, and more! Look into these if you want to beat Public Enemy Number 1. Alongside Varden and Cairne the Lord of Terror is a threat on and off the bench. Speed Control had become the name of the game and Diablo was the fiery prince of it. Instead, Diablo took a while to get going– around a whole whopping One Week– before he was absolutely everywhere in PvP. The world wondered if he would be good in PvE because Apocalypse guaranteed Critical Damage (he wasn’t, really). The first Mercenaries tournament helped showcase just how sick Diablo is– now a classic combo is his Fire Stomp after Cairne’s Endurance Aura, going off at 3 Speed and super-AoE-ing down entire boards. Just remember to take a peek at the math– and Speed changes, too! No Hearthstone Mercenaries Leveling Guide would be complete without this!) Diablo For example: Samuro’s Burning Blade 2 goes from giving +1 Attack to +2 Attack for 100 Coins, while upgrading Double Strike from Rank 2 to 3 adds the same +1 Attack for 125 Coins. ( Fun F2P Fact! This is actually a common occurrence in a lot of Mercs: the upgrade cost of an Equipment to Rank 2 will be better Coin Value than upgrading the requisite skill to Rank 3.

highest health tank wow legion

You can even spend Coins on the Equipment instead of his actual Double Strike ability, since they scale similarly. Since it’s his Task 2 Equipment, I honestly suggest slamming him into any PvE comp and get Burning Blade quickly. Task Priority: High– Burning Blade is a key part of making Samuro into the threat that he can be. Step 2: Get your Equipment and juice it to Burning Blade 2 (100 Coins).

Highest health tank wow legion